Designing our Destiny (DoD) - Self Transformation Series - HOORECON
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By Using our 3 Step Secret for Success:

Step $1 : Accept and Understand the Present Reality

Step $2 : Create and Declare the Future Possibility

Step $3 : Map and Manifest the Future Reality


Sharings in English

[English] An Experiential Sharing from Ms. Apurva Malik Sangal, Founder - Sangal Architects Hues And Spaces (S.A.H.A.S), An Architecture & Interior Design FirmNew Delhi :


[English] An Experiential Sharing from Shri. Sridhar, A Senior Management Executive in a leading Bank, Dubai, UAE :



[English] An Experiential Sharing from Shri. Srinivas, Ph.D Doctorate Student of Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India :


[English] An Experiential Sharing from Ms. Gayathri, B.E. M.S., an IT Professional from Stuttgart, Germany :



[English] An Experiential Sharing from Mrs. Sandhya Malik, An Ever-Learning School Principal from Uttar Pradesh :



Expressions in Tamil

[Tamil] An Experiential Sharing from Dr. Raghuram, PhD (Yoga), Social Activist and Founder of NGO Mahaveer Illam for Mentally Challenged People, Chennai :

[Tamil] An Experiential Sharing from Mrs. Kalpana Shree, An Inspiring Elderly who rose her children all alone as a Single Mother and raised them as successful NRIs today :



[Tamil] An Experiential Sharing from Mrs. Priya, An IT professional turned Housewife who is rebuilding her career amidst all odds :


[Tamil] An Experiential Sharing from Mrs. Jayalakshmi, Acupuncturist and Finance Admin in an IT MNC, Chennai :


Practical Tips to make the Best Use of the Program

[In Tamil] - By Ms. Gayathri, B.E. M.S., an IT Professional from Stuttgart, Germany :



A Recent Recognition and Milestone 

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Joint Commission International's Goal-Seal Certified Dr. Rela Institute & Medical Centre and our HOORECON IT-Sys Pvt. Ltd. on 1st Oct 2021 for our


Strategic Collaboration Goal of :


Holistic Personal Wellness of our respective clients, by leveraging the Clinical Strengths of Dr. Rela Institute and the Psycho-Spiritual Strengths and Technological Infrastructure of HOORECON.


An Experiential Introduction - About DoD Coach, Program & Benefits  


[In Tamil] - By Ananth, A Senior Management Executive @ Amazon, Seattle, USA : 



[In English] - By Ananth, A Senior Management Executive @ Amazon, Seattle, USA :



For any Personalized / Organization-specific Queries / Requirements : / +91-44-71968000


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    [EV] - Level-0 : Emotional Vaccination for Everyone [3 Hrs Video Course]

    Rs. 3,999.00
    Appreciating your commitment on Self-Development, we welcome you to join us on this privileged journey to serve you. For any queries, please mail to Together, Let us make our world...

    [EV] - Level-1 : Emotional Vaccination - 1st Dose - [2 Weeks of LIVE Coaching]

    Rs. 4,999.00
    It is the LIVE Review and Guidance for 2 Weeks on: 1) EVE - Exercise 1 2) EVE - Exercise 2 3) Daily Homework Template, for consciously applying the BASIC 3 VALUES...

    [EV] - Level-2 : Stabilization of Emotional Vaccination 1st Dose - [2 Weeks of LIVE Coaching]

    Rs. 5,999.00
    It is the LIVE Review and Guidance for 2 Weeks on: 1) EVE - Exercise 3 2) EVE - Exercise 4 3) Drivers Identification 4) Script Analysis 5) Daily Homework Template, for consciously applying ALL THE 8...

    [EV] - Level-3 : Emotional Vaccination - 2nd Dose - [6 Hrs of Advanced Video Course]

    Rs. 6,999.00
    Dating the Divine & Designing our Destiny (DD-DoD) - An Intense Transformational Program, by transitioning 'From A Creation to The Creator'. However, for the holistic wellbeing across all areas of...

    [EV] - Level-4 : Stabilization of Emotional Vaccination 2nd Dose - [3 Weeks of LIVE Coaching]

    Rs. 6,999.00
    It is the LIVE Review and Guidance for 2 Weeks on: 1) EVE - Exercise 5 2) Daily Homework Template, for consciously applying ALL THE DoD TOOLS 3) Setting of a Personal Goal & Kick-start...

    [DoD] Level-5 : DD-DoD - An Initiation into Dating the Divine & Designing our Destiny !

    Rs. 7,999.00
    Dating the Divine & Designing our Destiny (DD-DoD) - An Intense Transformational Program, for transitioning 'From A Creation to The Creator'. However, for the holistic wellbeing across all areas of your...

    [DoD] - Level-6 : Post DoD Stabilization [3 Weeks of LIVE Coaching]

    Rs. 7,999.00
    Right after the Dating the Divine & Designing our Destiny (DD-DoD) program, it's An Intense 21 Days of Practice, is introduced as an important inevitable step, namely The 21 Days DoD Blueprint, to...

    [DoD Tournament] - Levels- 1 to 6 : The 3 Months of Complete DoD Blueprint

    Rs. 31,888.00
    Right after the Dating the Divine & Designing our Destiny (DD-DoD) program, it's An Intense 21 Days of Practice, is introduced as an important inevitable step, namely The 21 Days DoD Blueprint, to...
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