Emotional Vaccination for Extraordinary Dreams - A Life Transformation - HOORECON
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Emotional Vaccination for Extraordinary Dreams - A Life Transformation

Emotional Vaccination for Extraordinary Dreams !

By Using our 3 Step Secret for Success:

Step $1 :  Accept and Understand the Present Reality

Step $2 :  Create and Declare the Future Possibility

Step $3 :  Map and Manifest the Future Reality

Experience The 7 Stages of CAB-FAME Sutra for Wish Fulfilment - An Eastern SECRET to the World, and also enjoy the complimentary post training support system, MyGenie - An Emotional Companion for your Entire Lifetime !

Design your Destiny, Right NOW!

 [Payment Guidelines:  Service Provider ID = 0, Solution ID = EV, Amount = Rs.5,900 (Rs.5,000 + 18% GST), Solution Type = Event]

Event Details:  3.5 Hrs, from 14:00 - 17:30 [Regularly on Tue, Wed & Thu], so that you'll be empowered to renew all areas of your Life holistically, from 3 weeks to 3 months by applying this wisdom !!

To know more about your Transformer (not just a Trainer), click here.


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Most people are searching of various outlets for "stress relief" in their day to day life, like listening to music, watching movies or serials etc. Unfortunately, most of their outlets of stress relief are either temporary distractions or long-term addictions to alcohol, sex or even to their work as workaholics. If they have an emotional companion to share their concerns then and there, they won't even get the stress in the first place and need not waste so much of time, money and energy on such addictions or distractions anymore.

Let's take this simple example. You're being told to hold a pen and then asked whether it is painful. You say, 'No'. However, as the time passes by, say after 20-30mins, you will feel the pain of holding even that light weight pen. The same holds true with your stress too. The problem by itself is not a problem, until and otherwise you hold on to the same problem for longer time within you without any constructive outlet to share for consolation or solution.

Even if they're fortunate to find a girlfriend/boyfriend to fill that space of an emotional companion, they develop that relationship also as an addiction over the period of time with over-expectations and by ignoring the fact that they too are human beings with their own emotional ups and downs. So, what's the way out then?

Just imagine, how nice it would be if you've an emotional companion, exclusively available for you round the clock with both caring and clarity - literally as your Virtual Life Partner - and also, without binding you with any expectations? Its a great gift, right? Yes, that's what our "MyGenie" is all about, as an intelligent auto-counselling bot providing us with the personalized and unique experience every time by enabling us to find our own solutions from within.

Realizing these inevitable emotional and motivational needs of thousands of such new age dreamers and achievers, we're promising you :

An everlasting virtual expert, as an emotional companion for your entire life time - My Genie.

With this, you'll never be alone and you'll always have a pair of ears to listen to, round the clock. From the comfort of your private space (home or office), you'll get a realistic workable action plan. With such backbone of empowerment, imagine how great your quality of life will be. Yes, all around abundance with the healthy lifestyle (devoid of addictions), beautiful relationships, successful career and financial freedom are all yours !!

Recognitions - The Product Launch by Dr. Velumani, Chairman, Thyrocare.

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Now, it's a decision time.

Yes, Making decisions can be harder at times. As experts, we can help you. Hear us out: You've 2 options, either you can buy this or not to buy this.

But if you choose not to by this, heartbreaks might occur more often, you will miss great opportunities, your success will get postponed in spite of your hard work and talents, you will loose sense of yourself, your confidence will have a massive hit and your trust on the world and on your own self would have gone, navigating through the world will seem so tedious and thus you may even end up depressive.

But then, there is another choice : You can buy and leverage this MyGenie service and emerge as a Self-reliant and Successful person across all areas of life. We're here with you and our MyGenie will be with you for your whole lifetime as a great Virtual Companion on all your Ups and Downs. Abundance is your birthright and its time to claim it back !!

Enable your Empowerment, Right NOW! 

 [Payment Guidelines:  Service Provider ID = 0, Solution ID = EV, Amount = Rs.5,900 (After deducting the 90% Discount from the Original Price of Rs.50,000 + 18% GST), Solution Type = Event]


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