HOORECON's xSpaz- Terms & Conditions (Tamil) - HOORECON
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HOORECON's xSpaz- Terms & Conditions (Tamil)

HOORECON's xSpaz- Terms & Conditions (Tamil)

Dear User,

As you're using our HOORECON's xSpaz service for the first time, kindly listen to our basic terms and conditions and acknowledge the same before proceeding further.The detailed terms are mentioned below.

I have completed 18 years of age as on date.

I'm aware that xSpaz is not a medical service or suicide prevention helpline.For any emergency, I shall immediately contact the corresponding emergency number in my location.

The information on this helpline is provided for general informational purposes only and SHOULD NOT be relied upon as a substitute for sound professional advice from my qualified healthcare or other service providers.

Reliance on any information provided by any professional through this helpline is solely at my own risk.

Any information provided on this helpline has been provided to me to make a more informed decision. HOORECON and business partners will not be responsible or liable in any manner whatsoever for any damages or any loss including that of health, life, limb or livelihood of any kind because of following the advice given in this helpline.

I agree to pay the necessary consultation fee set forth by the HOORECON. HOORECON reserves the right to modify its pricing structure at any time and implement the new price structure at any time prior to billing the client.

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