Dreams to Destiny - The Yearly Coaching Intensive!
An Invitation to the Inner Divine and Outer Abundance for 200% Life !!
Dear Friends,
Greetings !
Welcome to our annual program, Dreams to Destiny (D2D) - The Yearly Coaching Intensive.
Yes, It’s a unique blend of our flagship DoD (Designing our Destiny) Coaching Series, with highest level of personalization. Though you’re all already successful and even happy to an extent, you yourself would know as you lack something that you could not put it into words and feel as you're not living your life to the fullest. What’s missing then?
"However capable you’re, however hard working you’re, however good hearted you’re, you can not achieve all that you truly deserve - as long as the Concept of your Self (i.e. your own Inner Beliefs about your worth) is not expanded !
We call these Repetitive patterns as Limitations practically, Mind Blocks psychologically or Karma spiritually".
That’s where we will operate within you, on a Thought Surgery - to liberate your True Self, from your False Mind :)
Yes, Have you ever wondered how to take charge of your life fully into your hands, rather than leaving it to chances and luck?
If so, NOW is the TIME to Create your own Luck and HERE is the WAY with the foundation of our program series - Designing our Destiny (DoD).
By Using our 3 Step Secret for Success:
Step $1 : Accept and Understand your Present Reality
Step $2 : Create and Declare your New Possibility
Step $3 : Map and Manifest your Future Destiny
Yes, Before the start of your Yearly Coaching Intensive, here is the foundational / preparatory program called DoD - Quick Transformation Pack that is also part of this Dreams to Destiny package and is primarily spread across 3 Levels as :
● Level-1 : Emotional Vaccination (3 Hrs Video Course - 2 Hrs of Video + 1 Hr of Exercise)

● Level-2 : Foundation for DoD (7 Hrs Video Course - 6 Hrs of Video + 1 Hr of Exercise)
● Level-3.1 : Orientation for DoD Mastery (3Hrs of LIVE Personalized Coaching)
● Level-3.2 : The 21 Days DoD Blueprint (1.5 Hrs/day for Daily Homework + 1-2 Hrs/day for Personal Project)
● Level-3.3 : DD-DoD - An Initiation for Dating the Divine & Designing our Destiny ! (5 Hrs LIVE)
A few Testimonials on DoD- Quick Transformation Pack :
Right after setting the above foundation of DoD-Quick Transformation, then only
The Real Personalized Coaching Intensive starts as :
[ 4 ] - Quarterly One-on-One Private Coaching with the Chief Coach for 20-30mins each
[ 4 ] - Quarterly One Complimentary Personalized Goal-specific OMM meditation (Orchestration for Miracle Manifestation).
Right away, here is our FREE Gift for New Year, as we've decided to openly share an important step of our Goal-specific OMM meditation - Personalized Success Song Therapy to align your subconscious frequencies to your goal !
[ 8 ] - 45 Days once, One-on-One Private Coaching with the Master Facilitator for 20-30mins each
[ 12 ] - Monthly Group Coaching with the Chief Coach - 2 Hours @ 4:00-6:00 AM on every Full moon to raise your State of Being for Conscious Manifestations, so that the so-called Miracles will naturally become part of your daily life
[ 52 ] - Weekly Group Facilitator Coaching - 2 Hours @ 6:00-8:00 AM on every Sunday to assess your Lifestyle and align your Priorities
[ 365 ] - Daily Peer Reviews - 3 times a day of 10mins each to hold you accountable for your Actions
[ 365 ] - Daily LIVE Energy Connect @ 4:30-5:30 AM
[ 24x7x365 ] - Anytime, Anywhere Instant Emotional Support of MyGenie-BOT, for UNLIMITED number of 15-60mins sessions in this coaching year
To attain ALL of your Yearly Goals across ALL 10 Areas of your Life, by effectively mastering the DD-DoD foundational wisdom :
* - In this first phase, DoD Program is offered in Tamil and it will be released in other regional languages also shortly.
By the way, this program is NOT for everyone who can afford to pay and is exclusively for those who have the Burning intensity to do whatever it takes beyond their comfort zone.
Finally, for a superfast growth across all areas of your life that can last for the lifetime :
Dreams to Destiny, 2022 - An Invitation to the Inner Divine & Outer Abundance @ ₹ 10,00,000 + GST.
Note: This program will be a unique FUSION of Practical, Psychological & Spiritual Solutions for Holistic Wellbeing across all areas of life !
An Experiential Sharing of Ms. Gayathri B.E, M.S, from Stuttgart, Germany :
For any Clarifications & Guidance : +91-8489681052 (Kindly ping us on WhatsApp, to schedule a Call Appointment of 10-15mins to exclusively serve you)
The Events Calendar of this Yearly Coaching Intensive :
- Completion of Levels # 1 & 2 : First 2 Weeks
Completion of Level # 3.1 : In 2 Weeks, by Week #4
Completion of Level # 3.2 : For 3 Weeks, from Week #5 to 7
Completion of Level # 3.3 : In 3 Weeks, by Week #10
[Q1] Mastering the DD-DoD foundational wisdom with One Specific Goal on One Topmost Area of Life : For 1 Month, from Week #11 to14
[Q2] Effective Resolution of Problems across ALL 10 Areas of Life : For 3 Months, from Weeks #15 to 26
[Q3] Effortless Meeting of Needs across ALL 10 Areas of Life : For 3 Months, from Weeks #27 to 38
[Q4] Extraordinary Achievement of Aspirations across ALL 10 Areas of Life : For 3 Months, from Weeks #39 to 50
- Get Together & Sharing of Success Stories : 2 Weeks, of Week #51 and 52